Maces And Talons Board Game Rules

April 20th, 2013 was a special day for tabletop (historical miniature) wargaming, though no one knew it at the time. That was the day Konrad Sosinski and Rafal Ozwelicki started a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new, English version of an already published set of Polish wargaming merchandise. This project was for a set of rules for the 17th Century wars of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (think Winged Hussars) called By Fire and Sword and its supporting line of miniatures and accessories. Some 437 contributors and $ 82,384 US, later, the name By Fire and Sword has emerged as synonymous with tabletop excellence while covering one of the most esoteric eras of military history.

In the middle lies something I cannot identify AT ALL, but given that it was hinted at that there were multiple maces in the game, I’d pin this object as a second mace. My conclusions Except for two little errors, I’d say maces and talons is a very detailed and logical game with many elements from real life war-simulator board games.

In terms of product quality and breadth about the closest comparison one sees is Flames of War (FOW) and uniquely enough, Wargamer Poland actually sponsors FOW tournaments in their country. And “unique” should really be the motto of this firm in so many, many ways. As a November 12th, 2012 interview with Anatoly’s Game Room revealed, Konrad has a law degree but spent two years in Polish Special Forces, later spending seven years at Deloitte as a legal advisor. Rafal was an archeologist by education and trade, but in his off time hosted games at conventions all over Poland. Both chaps are 17th Century military reenactors and have used this experience to nurture their business, which was consummated when the two met for the first time at a miniature wargaming convention.

Now I don’t play their rules and have only a little bit of their merchandise, mostly Ottoman Turk miniatures and flags for use in later periods of history, specifically the 1716 battle of Peterwardein where the Pasha tussled with Prince Eugene of Savoy. The equipment and garb was about the same, the figures top notch, so why not? Nevertheless, this was all it took to convince me this company was something special. Certainly product quality – to include the best translation of a foreign tongue into English I have ever seen – is top notch with graphics from containers to flags, nothing short of spectacular. But there is a lot more than meets the eye, and here are a couple or three that really stuck with me.

One Stop Shopping

This company not only produces the graphically awesome By Fire and Sword rules and its expansions, but literally almost everything else you need to play the game, and even additional merchandise you don’t need. While some firms may produce figure lines that include cavalry with no command sets or every unit in the army except . . . well, you know. These guys offer complete figure ranges for every nationality the game covers. These include Poland-Lithuania, the Cossacks, the Swedes, the Holy Roman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, the Electorate of Brandenburg, Muscovy, Transylvania (Vlad the Impaler not included) and the Ottoman Empire. Taking the latter, the range lists 17 different sets to include a specific pack containing the Ottoman garrison of Raszkov in 1674, to include Jusef Pasha himself. There is even a standalone pack for an Ottoman Mehta Band! This is the famous jingling military band still found in Turkey today, with a camel mounted musician, two horses with bandsmen and four foot musicians. Seriously? I mean, how many Napoleonic ranges include the Imperial Guard marching band, the one that could “make a paraplegic move?” Like, nobody. The Mehta’s have absolutely no impact on any gameplay I know of, but I bought three.

And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The company also manufactures its own terrain specific to the game. This means tents, grain stacks, fences, buildings, roadside shrines, bridges, churches and terrain mats. For my money the roadside inn, though pricey ($ 55.00) is really prima. All told you have not less than 38 choices at your disposal.

And there are also not less than 41 different sets of gameplay accessories available as well. These include casualty bases, pre-cut movement stands, order tokens specific to each nationality, dice specific the same way and sets of cavalry hunting caltrops. Specialty items include unique (that word again) sets like Camp Masters or the Mayor and City Council of Gdansk, rounded off by logoed tape measures, polo shirts, coffee cups and calendars. I picked up a calendar for no other reason than the fact that the week over yonder evidently starts on Monday (not Sunday), though the spiffy illustrations from the base rules didn’t hurt.

Suffice it to say, outside of paint and brushes (which, who knows, maybe next for this company), there simply is no need to bump around to several vendors to find what you need for a game.


Unique (yet again) is also the way each individual set of miniatures and other merchandise is packaged. When I buy a set of, say, 1866 Austrian Uhlans (lancers), I know I am going to also need to pony up for some model railroad plastic to cut and use as movement stands, not to mention researching, printing flags and lance pennants, not to mention again piano wire for lances. Not so much for the way they do business at Wargamer Poland. For example, Ottoman heavy artillery, which was only used for sieges, automatically includes a gun emplacement as well as cannon with crew. And if you grab a set of Polish Winged Hussars, you will not only get the horses and riders, but also wire lances, pre-cut movement stands and an appropriate flag and pennant sheet in the same box. Given some of these banners are VERY big, this is no small perk.

The advantage of this as a time saver, not to mention money saver cannot be underestimated. It takes an ungodly amount of minutes to simply measure and cut movement stands out of plastic, and the same to find, prep and attach flags. That is of course, if you can find flags. Too many times I have finished a unit but have no source for a preprinted flag readily available, forcing me to do it myself from start to finish. I don’t do this well. The included wire lances and flag staffs are also a blessing. Normally if made they cost extra, and considering the delicate handling (slightly less than a rhino in a Wedgewood shop) technique of some gamers, they are far better than having a lead pike or similar molded on the figure waiting to be bent or snapped. If sharply pointed, they can also add some painful, but decidedly humorous, interludes during game play.


Finally, there are tournaments. Yes, though only started back in 2013, By Fire and Sword has now celebrated its Fifth International Wargames Tournament in Wilanov, drawing attendees from as far the good ole USA. Sure, FOW has tournaments, but FOW does not have tourneys held in an actual, no joke palace (Baroque, but of course) that doubles as a military history museum, where each contestant gets a replica general’s mace for participating or where in your off time you can browse thru collections of swords, half pikes and Polish Winged Hussar armor.

Highbrow or classy is the best word to describe the event, but you better have all the historical and administrative aspects of your chosen army in order before you arrive. The Wargamer Poland folks are a bit pedantic about what goes on their tables. Like most tournaments By Fire and Sword is based on a point system where armies of equal point values contest the field of honor. But in By Fire and Sword land a player can actually lose points if his army is not properly painted. Worse, since each championship is memorialized by a high production value YouTube short, and while it’s always nice to be noticed, this is likely not the best way. Historicon is next week at Fredericksburg, VA in the Colonies, and the Poles always show up for the event. It will be interesting to see if a mini-tournament will be tagging along.


Admittedly the miniatures and other products from this firm are not inexpensive, with a dollar for each 15 mm foot or two for horse and rider, all accessories included. Yet backed by high quality products and an eye candy high marketing campaign with colorful illustrations and attractive giveaways, Wargamer Poland projects an image of being a business far larger and dominant than it likely is. While the company may not be as large and extensive as FOW and Battlefront, it sure looks like it is. Quality, value, a very complete product line and continued expansion convey the aura of something that has to be housed in a high rise in beautiful downtown Warsaw.

And that’s the point. This is being done in a small niche hobby covering a period of military history that is nothing if it’s not esoteric – NO, very esoteric. Konrad and Rafal’s story provides future tabletop startups with a solid template on what it takes to be successful in a cottage industry such as tabletop wargaming. Fusing Kickstarter with their unique (how many times have I used this word now?) production, packaging and retail models may not work for everyone trying to break into business for this hobby, but it’s a very good place from which to start.

And BTW, although By Fire and Sword already has one US distributor, success may well have created another.


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  • 2Fighter Multi-Class Options
  • 3Other Multi-Class Options
  • 4Triple Class Options

Basic Information[edit | edit source]

Dual and Multiclassing can be VERY powerful if used right in Baldur's Gate. Playing the game hardcore can be a lot easier if you dual or multiclass, as they have abilities of both classes with the only drawback being that you do not reach as high of levels. Also, if considering the entire Baldur's Gate saga as a whole, dual-classing allows for the most overpowered, broken, and downright cheap meta-gaming characters possible.

Dual-classing favors starting with your primary class as the combat oriented class, and then dropping into a spell-casting class. Casters scale better later into the game, and this way you maximize the early game health and thac0. Fighter should always be the first class for any potential fighter dual-class, and thief should be the primary class for thief/mages.

Fighter Multi-Class Options[edit | edit source]

Fighter makes the most universal dual- and multi-classing option because it offers something every other class wishes they had: HP and thac0. They hit harder and can absorb more punishment than any other given class meaning your squishy thief who couldn't ever land that backstab suddenly has twice the HP and rarely misses from the shadows, or your mage suddenly has more survivability than he would have enjoyed at max level just by dual-classing at level 8.

Fighter/Cleric[edit | edit source]

Very powerful solo class and great for hardcore runs, as sanctuary is basically a free 'get out of trouble' card. Using Draw Upon Holy Might can get your strength to as high as 23(!) at higher levels, making you the best fighter in the party, and boosting your constitution to 20 or more with the spell before sleeping will restore all your HP upon sleeping.

  • Strengths
  1. Divine Spells and therefore healing
  2. Sanctuary allows easy safe navigation of the battlefield
  3. Draw upon Holy Might turns your physical stats into sheer godliness.
  4. Highest possible combined saving throws in the game (especially ludicrous when combined with a high con dwarf)
  • Weaknesses
  1. BG1 only: Will only reach 4th level spells by level cap
  2. Fighting abilities progress slowly due to splitting experience, although this is mitigated somewhat by the ability to self-buff.
  3. Limited weapon selection
  • What spells to memorize
Because of the fighter levels and therefore higher thac0 than a straight cleric, focus on buffs when you choose your spells (Draw Upon Holy Might, Sanctuary needed, strength of one also good), taking healing spells only as necessary. Your first and foremost concern is keeping yourself alive, so leave debuffs and holding spells to your secondary divine spellcasters.
  • Dual or Multi?
Multi-classing is preferred for a BG1 only character, as the early game survivability matters without sacrificing much potential end-game power. However for those planning on playing the character through the entire saga, dual-classing to cleric at level 13 of fighter will maximize the attacks per round fighters get over typical clerics while still allowing you to reach level 38, a whole two levels shy of the default cleric level cap. Berserker is the only viable kit to dual-class into a cleric because heavy armors are a must in order to utilize the unique tanking ability fighter/clerics fulfill. Additionally, multi-class fighter/clerics are limited to mastery level in any given weapon type but a dual-classed fighter/cleric, even if he dual-classed at level 2, can obtain grand mastery in any given weapon type.
  • Choosing a Multi-class Race
The only races which can even roll Fighter/Clerics are Dwarves, Gnomes(BG1EE), Half-Elves and Half-Orcs. Half-Orcs are obviously only playable in BG1 if you install BGtutu or BGT. Half-Orcs fill this well due to the extra strength, constitution, and their ability score penalty applies in the preferred fighter/cleric dump stat. If that isn't possible or you feel it's cheating, Gnomes(BG1EE) allow 18 DEX for better AC, etc and have superb saving throws!. Dwarves are excellent as the dexterity penalty isn't very severe, the extra constitution is extremely helpful and most importantly, dwarven saving throws make him very difficult to crowd control. There is no meta-gaming reason to roll a half-elf over either of these choices.
  • Recommended stats
Max strength, dexterity and constitution. Get at least 16 points in Wisdom. Intelligence should be at least at a 9 to read scrolls, a vital thing for clerics. Charisma is the dump stat of choice.
  • Proficiencies
Warhammers and Slings are musts. The best cleric weapon in Baldur's Gate 1 is a warhammer and is relatively easy to obtain early on, and slings are literally your only option for a ranged weapon until you get a returning hammer in BG2. Clearly sword and shield spec is a must as well, for those going into BG2 who can afford to split the proficiency points away from weapons.

Fighter/Thief[edit | edit source]

Fighter/Thieves are capable of significant damage output. They give up the ability to tank on the same level as a raw fighter because they lose some health, but they can hold their own. If you are focused on thief skills you'll want to stick to light armors, making them less studry, though detect traps and illusions will work in heavy armor. Thieves have the added ability to use certain wands, which is very useful. A dual-classed kensai/thief who manages to hit epic levels in BG2 and unlocks Use Any Item is one of the most devastating melee fighters in the game. They are very slanted toward end-game content, however, so they are not typically very good for hardcore runs as a main character. Swashbuckler/fighters are also very powerful, while multi-class characters have excellent power right from the start of BG1.

  • Strengths
  1. Thief abilities on a character who can actually take a hit if he misses spotting a trap or fails a disarm roll
  2. Better thac0 and damage from fighter masteries means bigger backstabs that miss less often.
  3. Borderline broken damage capabilities at epic levels once importing to BG2
  • Weaknesses
  1. Splitting experience means both fighting capabilities and thieving skills progress slowly.
  2. To maximize damage potential requires ranking hide in shadows early, which slows more important survival thieving skills.
  3. Tanking ability of a raw fighter is lessened if you want to backstab a lot.
  • Dual or Multi?
Dual-classing presents some significant end-game bonuses and borderline broken possibilities, but doing so requires you to have a dedicated thief in order to handle trap disarming and lockpicking for quite some time. Also, you're limited to being human meaning no racial bonuses. At the end of BG2 a dual-class character will be slightly stronger than a multi-class one, though the difference will not be especially pronounced. A multi-class character will be much stronger through BG1 and the early-mid part of BG2 as it will only slightly lag in levels early on and not have to deal with an inactive class at any point. Multi-class characters will also receive both rogue and fighter HLAs. Both options have strengths depending on your focus.
  • Choosing which Fighter Kit
Typically a dual-class fighter/thief is simply a typical fighter so you can utilize higher ranged weapon proficiencies. Berserker is also acceptable because it's not like thieves on their own can get more than a single point in ranged weapons normally, which is the only real downside to this kit. Alternatively, you can roll Kensai and get ungodly damage bonuses at the expense of even less tanking ability. Only do so if you have the party to support a reckless suicidal warrior. The payoffs for leveling Kensai to 12 or 13 and dual-classing to thief are tremendous, however, as getting Use Any Item to negate the rather significant disadvantages of Kensai makes for a seriously overpowered character. Wizard Slayer is an interesting choice because this is potentially the only way to negate their pretty significant downside, but it takes so long before you unlock Use Any Item it is generally not worth it. Fighters get an extra 1/2 attack at levels 7 and 13, and stop rolling for health at level 9, so it is recommended you dual class at one of these points to take full advantage.
  • Choosing which Thief Kit
Alternatively a fighter/thief might dual class from a thief kit. The Swashbuckler and Bounty Hunter kits are the most useful choices here, as the Assassin does not have significant lower level advantages. Thieves get improved traps at levels 6 and 11 and stop rolling for health at level 10, so it is recommended you dual class at one of these points to take full advantage - though Swashbuckler advantages also make levels 5, 10, and 15 good options.
  • Choosing a Multi-class Race
First, look at the thief class page and the racial bonuses to thieving skills. Because you will progress slower, the racial bonuses to all the important areas Halflings get as well as the extra 5% across the board for the bonus dexterity helps dissuade that somewhat at the expense of reaching percentage bonuses on character creation 18/?? rolls. As a multi-class character you will eventually have enough thief skill points no matter your race selection, however, so do not place undue emphasis on these starting values. Fudging strength scores with equipment is a necessity on halflings which can be a significant drawback. Secondly, consider just how much you care about early game vs. late game explosiveness. If you are building a raw ginsu blade murderer assassin type, Elves are excellent fighter/thieves because they get a +1 thac0 to longswords, the weapon of choice early on for any BG1 fighter/thief and obviously benefit from the bonus dexterity. Gnomes are good to roll as a fighter/thief because they get fun thieving bonuses, don't lose the important dexterity a dwarf does, and doesn't lose the important strength a halfling does while still gaining significant saving throw bonuses. Half-orcs make fun fighter/thieves for the raw damage potential natural 19 strength causes. Dwarves are also a great option as their improved constitution and saving throws give a significant advantage, and their dexterity penalty can be dealt with by equipment, or permanently through stat improvements in game.
  • Recommended stats
Because you are making this character to run around, stealth, and gib people with backstab damage, all three physical stats should be maxed out. The damage from strength bonuses apparently doesn't factor in to backstab damage multipliers but thac0 is very important due to the slower level progression and gaining it that way. Try as best you can to at least get 18/51 or better. Thieves actually have decent Lore skill so attempt as best you can not to go below 10 on either Int or Wis. Charisma can be shafted, yet again.
  • Proficiencies
You can backstab with any melee weapon a solo class thief can use. Because backstabbing is a percentage of your weapon's damage roll, you should take Longswords over Short Swords and definitely invest in Katanas come BG2. The difference between rolling an 8 vs. a 6 when you've got a backstab multiplier of x5 is an extra 10 damage, plus just about the best possible melee weapon in BG1 is obtainable as soon as you reach Nashkel Mines. Only your main hand's damage can be applied toward backstabs so single weapon proficiency is better than dual-wielding or equipping a buckler for sword and shield. If you are less focused on backstabbing then dual wielding is the way to go, as it will give you the best overall damage potential by far. (Special note: A kensai planning on dual-classing to thief should level up daggers as throwing daggers are their only long-ranged attack until unlocking Use Any Item.)

Fighter/Mage[edit | edit source]

Fighter/Mages are excellent targets for buff spells. They utilize mage self-buffs better than a single-class mage would, and can use Touch spells (like Vampiric Touch) to greater effect because of their increased thac0. Plus, it alleviates a lot of the downside of playing a single-class mage in that you'll have significantly better hit-points and saving throws. Lastly, they can equip armor. This is usually a bad thing as nearly every armor also negates the ability to cast spells but there are a few pieces which do not and therefore make you fairly tanky. (They are all BG2 equipment.) The only major downside is the inability to pick a specialist wizard class for the bonus spells.

  • Strengths
  1. Significantly increases survivability of your mage, who is already one of if not the most important character in your party
  2. Improved thac0 means better use of Touch spells
  3. Fantastic target for buffs
  4. Ability to equip Elven Chain for improved AC over a straight-forward mage without giving up spellcasting power
  5. Kensai dual-class specific: Can still equip robes in chest slot.
  • Weaknesses
  1. Inability to pick specialist mage class (except for Gnomes)
  2. Multi-class splitting XP significantly reduces the overall effectiveness of your mage powers.

Maces And Talons Game Rules

  • Dual or Multi?
Multi-classing works fine here should you choose gnome, because then you get epic saving throws in addition to the only way to gain a mage specialty. Being an illusionist helps off-set the slower pace of leveling. However, dual-classing is really where this combo shines. A level 4 fighter can dual-class to mage without affecting the mage's ability to reach the level cap in BG1, and a level 8 fighter who dual-classes to mage can reach the highest level of mage without penalty in Throne of Bhaal so there is basically no reason not to gain that extra 24 or 48 HP respectively, let alone the bonus thac0 you'd receive.
  • Choosing which Fighter Kit
Kensai, kensai, kensai. Kensai/mages are incredible. There is essentially zero downside. The biggest detractor to picking up Kensai is the inability to equip armors, but you can still use robes for your chest slot. It isn't like mages would equip otherwise for a significant period of time anyway, and Robes of the Arch-Magi or the Robes of Vecna both give 5 AC so it's the equivalent of chain mail. That just means you lose out on Elven Chain armors (not a big deal) and dedicated ranged weapons (not a big deal because you can specialize in axes, hammer or daggers and simply use the magic returning versions of each.) The ability to roid yourself up with both Kai and various Mage buff spells to inflict major punishment makes this class supremely deadly. If you don't want to give up ranged weaponry, I'd say you're better off as just a regular fighter than the other two kits. Berserker is unnecessary as mages have ways to go immune to the vast majority of things berserk makes them immune to, which is the main reason to choose that kit. Obviously wizard slayer is out because you'd have to give up too many essential items, like, the ability to use scrolls.
Alternative opinion:
Berseker is just as viable, if not better, for hardcore playthrough. Consider this:
  1. Berserker rage immunities - mages do have ways to emulate them. But buffing takes time, and time in battle you do not have - unless you metagame and buff in advance, which is not everyone's cup of tea. Rage is nearly instant cast. If you don't metagame, berserkers win this round.
  2. +15 HP while enraged - great for survivability, especially on lower levels.
  3. Speaking of lower levels, Berserkers get their rage at level 1. How long will take for Kensai to level up as fighter, then as mage, and finally have the possibility of going immune - with metagaming? That will be well into BG2.
  4. Helmets. Berserker can wear helmets, while Kensai cannot, which renders him prone to critical hits. (Not to mention that there are helmets with some great bonuses).
All these things considered, I would say that while Kensai/Mage probably inflicts some more damage once fully buffed, Berserker/Mage is more likely to survive, especially if you don't metagame.
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
Gnomes are excellent here. Giving up necromancy is not a big deal compared to the crazy saving throws of gnome, nor the bonus spell per spell level of illusionist. Elves gain bonuses to hit with Large Swords and Bows and therefore are potentially deadlier early.
  • Recommended Stats
You need at least 15 strength and 17 intelligence to even dual-class in the first place, so make sure you have at least that. Maxing dexterity and constitution is obviously important, with intelligence closely behind. I wouldn't worry about maxing strength too much though clearly it's preferred if at all possible, simply because you can bolster your strength to workable fighter levels with the level 2 mage spell 'Strength' and various higher level spells which are even more beneficial. Plus, there's a lot of gear which can supplant your strength skill entirely. Charisma and wisdom are dump stats. Attempt to keep wisdom above 11 so you can utilize Valygar's armor.
  • Proficiencies
For BG1, I recommend two-handed swords and bows. Spider's Bane and the Free Action it grants lets you spam Web on baddies without worrying about it tripping you up, plus your roid spells will let you whomp out some serious damage with a two-hander. It's worth looking into katanas come BG2 if only for Dak'kon's Zerth Blade purchasable in the Adventurer's Mart as it grants bonus spells per level, and you can use the Celestial Fury to obliterate bad guys for most of the length of the sequel. A regular fighter/mage is actually a wonderful archer character should you go that route. Many people don't like their mages in the thick of battle because a lot of spells take awhile to get off so there's the chance you lose it due to taking damage, and without those fighter levels the mage would be hanging back with just a sling or darts anyway. It's a good idea if you want this character to be more of a support mage than your heavy nuker.

Fighter/Druid[edit | edit source]

Fighter/Druids are one of the funkier multi-classes in the game but are well worth rolling. The difference between a fighter/druid and a fighter/cleric comes down to less self-buff spells, more disables, and better summoning. Plus, it's the only way to give decent armor to a druid.

  • Strengths
  1. Druidic summon spells are superior to cleric summoning spells, giving you extra artillery as you whomp on people.
  2. Plenty of buff spells to roid out your punching powers.
  3. Slightly more offensive spellpower than a Fighter/Cleric
  4. Iron Skins.
  • Weaknesses
  1. Misses some of the most signficant buff spells clerics posess, such as Sanctuary and Draw Upon Holy Might
  2. Limited Weapon Selection (though you can still use Scimitars)
  3. Forced into a high base charisma, limiting dump stats
  • Dual or Multi?
Dual-classing is preferred, but MAKE SURE YOU DO IT AT LEVEL 13 OR EARLIER because it takes a bajillion years as a druid to get from level 14 to 15. Ideally, do it at level 10 because you will exactly hit the level cap as a fighter 10/druid 30. (Max druid level is 31 and they quit gaining new spells per level at 25 anyway.) Multi-classing still works but to a lesser extent because splitting the level difference between two classes means that leap from 14 to 15 is going to be even that much more significant. Obviously neither of these come into play for just BG1 proper.
  • Choosing which Fighter Kit
Berserker or bust. You are limited to slings or darts for ranged weapons anyway so I see little reason to be upset you can't progress either past rank 1. Kensai is not worth it as you probably will not be able to roll a max strength score, and the point of mixing fighter with a divine spellcasting class is for added tanking prowess. You do get barkskin, however, which is essentially equipping your guy with chain mail so there is that to consider. This would probably be the best bet for a Wizard Slayer to dual-class into simply because Druids are not very dependant on gear as they can fill a ranged roll using an army of animal summons pretty well on their own so that could be an interesting build for you to try should you want a challenge.
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
You are limited just to half-elves here, sadly.
  • Recommended Stats
To successfully roll a dual-class fighter/druid, you need at least 15 strength, 17 wisdom and 17 charisma. It's a tall order for someone not coming out of BG1, because you'll also be wanting to maximize Dexterity and Constitution. There is no way your guy won't be dumb as a brick, but considering you should ideally dual-class at level 10 and cannot achieve that level til BG2, you can start with 14 WIS and 16 CHA. You'll rely on the tomes to bring you up to snuff but it allows you start as a more kick-ass fighter with better dexterity and constitution. If you're going to gimp a stat, favor strength at just the 15 mark. Utilizing 'Strength' from your mages is acceptable and preferred to gimping dexterity or constitution. Multi-class druids may actually consider dumping Wisdom to the minimum 12 value and forgoing bonus spells from high wisdom in favor of better fighter stats, depending on their preferences.
  • Proficiencies
Slings or darts are an absolute must as they are your only ranged weapon options. For your main weapon, I highly recommend Scimitars. Drizzt's Icebrand scimitar is the best weapon for druids in BG1 and for most of BG2, but it's still a really solid +3 weapon. Clubs are a solid choice in BG2 because of the Blackblood's ease of find for being a +3 weapon, or the Gnasher's awesome bleeding ability when you fight things that don't require a high weapon enchantment to damage. Quarterstaves is probably your safest bet all around, though. The most damaging weapon per strike in the entire saga is a quarterstaff anyway, so you really aren't giving up that much damage.

Other Multi-Class Options[edit | edit source]

The other four multi-class options all offer something extremely unique just to them. Also, there are conveniently four other options not with 'fighter' in the name so it works out to a nice, round parsing. Yay, parsing!

Mage/Thief[edit | edit source]

Mage/Thieves do not have quite the same durability a Fighter/Mage has, nor the combat prowess. However, it's still beefier than a straightforward wizard, gives you the ability to disarm traps, and gives you an escape mechanism should you manage a way to break line of sight and drop into stealth.

  • Strengths
  1. Allows your mage to disable traps
  2. Can forego leveling open lock for quite some time, relying on the level 2 spell 'Knock' instead
  3. More durable than straight mage
  4. Can use invisibility spells on self to supplement backstab attempts
  • Weaknesses
  1. Slower leveling of spells and thieving skills
  2. Not quite as thick as a Fighter/Mage combo could be
  3. Still can't wear Elven Chain until Use All Items ability
  • Dual or Multi?
Dual-classing is often prefered as you never really need much more than 8 or 9 levels in thief anyway, at least for the important stuff. Even though you can go all the way to level 15 as a thief and then dual-class to mage to maximize overall potential without running into XP cap issues, it's generally not worth going to such an extreme level because it takes a really long time to get your thief skills back.
  • Choosing which Thief Kit
Depending on if you want Backstabs or not, Swashbuckler is probably your best bet. If you do decide to go all the way to 15 before multiclassing, you're in for a nice +3 AC/hit/damage bonus that syncs well for mages, all without giving up any thieving points. Bounty Hunter is also a fairly nice kit for a Mage/Thief to dual from because the specialty traps do not require any ranks in the use traps skill, but the penalty to thief skills per level is a turnoff. Just a regular ol' thief is not a bad idea if backstabbing matters to you.
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
Hands down my money is on gnomes, for the same reason Fighter/Illusionists are so good. Necromancy syncs up poorly with thief-style combat, anyway. The bonus saving throws are always good, too. Still, unlike with fighters, you don't necessiarily need more than 16 constitution so being just an Elf for the extra dexterity which equates to +2 thac0 with attacks with bows is worthwhile too. But really, if you're not going as a gnome then you should be dual-classing instead.
  • Recommended Stats
Dexterity and Intelligence should be maxed, no exceptions. Constitution needs to be at least 16, though gnomes should max it if possible. Beyond that, nothing is terribly important. You can get away with lowering strength to 10 because it's easy to self-buff to 18/50 utilizing 'Strength.' Ideally you should aim for 18 dexterity and 11 wisdom so you can use Valygar's armor in BG2, because it's amazing. As they only have two and a half major skills, it's possible this could be your charisma monkey. There is no need to raise it beyond 14 because you can just use Friends to get the big money discount.
  • Proficiencies
Sword swords are probably best in terms of speed and damage at least through Baldur's Gate 1. BG2, Katanas should rule the day for a mage/thief. I would also recommend daggers if only for returning throwing daggers. If you don't go daggers, take up archery over using a sling, simply because there are some supremely powerful short bows in BG2.

Cleric/Mage[edit | edit source]

Cleric/Mages essentially give up top-end spells in either class as a single endeavor for a huge overall pool of spells between the two. Combining so much of your spellcasting into a single character has a lot of significant advantages in it's easier to set up neat combos (protection from fire as a level 4 divine spell and then making your entire 3rd level mage spell list fireballs, for example) but the slower growth and inability to reach the highest ranks of spells by the end of BG1 hurt slightly. Still, it is probably the 'best' solo class.

  • Strengths
  1. Huge amount of castable spells per-day between both classes
  2. Decent selection of equipment, and ability to use any and all scrolls and wands
  3. Being a gnome multi-classed Cleric/Illusionist covers up a lot of the deficiencies of barring Necromancy
  • Weaknesses
  1. Unable to equip armors without gimping arcane spellcasting
  2. Lowish HP
  3. Takes awhile to really get rolling
  • Dual or Multi?
Unlike just about every other multi-classing option, this one really is best left as multi-class. If you do decide to dual-class, the reasons would be to have up to however many spells in a given class without sacrificing the other class. Should you do this, cleric is probably the better bet to begin with, and you'd want to dual-class at level 11. This gives you a second casting of your innate roid spell for whichever cleric kit you took, and you'll only miss out on level 7 divine spells, while only losing two possible levels of mage at the XP cap. Should you want all 7 levels of divine spells, you'd have to go all the way to level 14 first and if you're going that far into cleric you may as well simply multi-class.
  • Choosing a Cleric Kit
My money is on Priest of Talos. Storm Shield frees up a significant amount of spells slots you'd normally devote to anti-damage buffs, plus it gives you a few free castings of Lightning which is always nice. If you would rather roid your character out with buff spells, Priest of Lathander is not a bad choice as Boon of Lathander syncs well with Tenser's Transformation and other high-level mage buffs. Priest of Helm is thrown out because mages already have access to spells similar to Seeking Sword but still allow them to cast spells.
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
Gnomes are again the kings of this multi-class. The boost to intelligence is a more significant boost to your arcane spells than the penalty to wisdom detracts from divine spellcasting, and you get extra mage spells due to the illusionist kit. Most of the significant low-level necromancy spells you'd miss out on have a divine spell equivalent which is not affected by the barred school, meaning you could still cast Animate Undead - simply as a divine spell rather than the arcane version. Plus, saving throws! The only other option is Half-Elves. Pick them if you're adamant about wanting access to all arcane spells.
  • Recommended Stats
Max dexterity and at least 16 constitution are musts (try for 18 constitution if you're a gnome). Max intellect is also a requirement. Try to keep at least 10 strength for carry capacity purposes and for the ability to wield hammers and maces, and dump the rest of your stats into Wisdom (aim for at least 15). Charisma will likely be decimated.
  • Proficiencies
Having cleric is nice as it opens up the possibilities for equipment a little bit. Warhammers are nice as a melee weapon and slings are the obvious choice for ranged. Ranks in cleric allow you to equip a shield which helps significantly with your lousy armor class otherwise. It's worth noting you can swap on some heavier armor should you deplete your arcane spells, and you'll be able to equip elven chain or Valygar's armor should you meet the stat requirements.

Cleric/Thief[edit | edit source]

Cleric/Thief is probably the oddest possible combination of classes. The only weapons you can still backstab with are clubs and quarterstaves (the latter being your weapon of choice, by the way) but you only really give up using heavy armors. Plus, cleric and thief both level up faster than any other class out there meaning the split to XP doesn't really bother than overmuch. The best way to handle this odd duo is to run a Swashbuckler thief and dual-class him to cleric at level 10 (obviously we're talking BG2 now) because then you can still utilize the superior weaponry provided by warhammers and flails without giving up any facet of theivery, all while gaining a modest bonus to AC and hit/damage.

  • Strengths
  1. Divine Spellcasting on a thief provides strange opportunities (Sanctuary doesn't break 'stealth' upon opening chests, allowing you to loot without fear of having the cops come attack you)
  2. Can actively find traps without needing to concentrate on it because of Find Traps spell
  3. Combines two essential survival classes into one
  • Weaknesses
  1. Extremely limited weapon selection to make use of all facets of both classes
  2. Cannot wear heavier than elven chain if you plan to make use of thief abilities in battle
  3. Combining these two classes is not really needed considering a single class cleric and thief with a kit are both extremely powerful in their own right
  • Dual or Multi?
Thieves really do not benefit a whole lot from going beyond level 10, so dual-classing is a good option for people heading into Baldur's Gate 2. Multi-classing is limited to Gnomes and Half-Orcs, the former having a penalty to Wisdom and the latter only being selectable in BG2.
  • Choosing which Thief Kit
Swashbuckler is the only real sensible choice. It's hard to argue against a cleric with even better tanking ability, and allows you to focus on the better weaponry clerics can handle because the backstab choices are limited just to clubs and quarterstaves. Bounty Hunter is not really needed as you can rig up traps via Skull Trap should you really desire to kite enemies around.
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
You are limited to just gnomes and half-orcs. Half-orcs are the logical choice for a character more focused on bruising. Gnomes are still worth picking, if only for their bonus saving throws alone. Keep in mind you can't get 18 wisdom with them but considering there are 3 tomes of wisdom in Baldur's Gate 1, it's hardly the worst punishment in the world.
  • Recommended Stats
As usual max dexterity. If you are going the half-orc route, there is no pressing need to get more than 16 CON because it won't benefit you, but gnomes should max it for bonus saving throws. Wisdom should be at least 16, and strength should be no lower than 15. Keep int above 10 as possible, and dump Charisma into the mud.
  • Proficiencies
If you plan to utilize backstabbing, quarterstaves are your best bet. Slings are your only option for ranged weaponry so invest. If you are going the swashbuckler route, Flails are my personal favorite as they have a wide variety of useful off-hand weapons should you chose to dual-wield.

Cleric/Ranger[edit | edit source]

The Cleric/Ranger is essentially a half-elven Fighter/Cleric. (Or, I suppose, another alternative for a human to dual-class.) While ranger progresses slower than fighter in terms of leveling up and dual-classed grand masteries for weapons, this has a significant advantage over fighter/clerics when it comes to raw spellcasting because it magically unlocks all druid spells for the cleric to use, even at spell levels beyond 3. If you want a slightly more spell-oriented Fighter/Cleric, think about trying this combo instead.

  • Strengths
  1. Access to every divine spell
  2. Maintains the superior fighting edge of a warrior-class
  3. Extra divine spells for ranks 1-3 due to stacking of classes
  • Weaknesses
  1. Can't drop below 8 reputation without gimping yourself forever
  2. Can't go beyond two ranks in any given weapon when dual-classed, unlike fighter/clerics who can still obtain grand mastery
  3. Limited weapon selection
  4. Dual-classing from a kit hinders your ability to tank
  • Dual or Multi?
Multi-classing this combo is fairly good because rangers scale better late-game than fighters simply because you'll gain even more divine spells to cast for the first three levels. However, Dual-classing still lets you halt the progress on Ranger and focus on Cleric which easily out-classes more ranger levels. It just takes a really long time to regain those ranger levels.

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  • Choosing which Ranger Kit
Only one kit can even do this dual-class, that being Beastmaster. Beastmaster/Clerics are kings of summoning as you can equip Summon Animal in it's various forms for every spell level but are extremely limited in equipment. They can only use clubs, slings and quarterstaves; they cannot use any armors heavier than studded leather. A regular ranger is probably better. You'll still be able to equip plate armors and can utilize maces, flails and hammers.
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
The only race who can pick this combo up is half-elf.
  • Recommended Stats
Anything you'd do on a fighter/cleric, you'd want to do on this character. Max strength, dexterity and constitution and aim for high wisdom. If you want to dual-class, it's worth noting the prerequisite stat for rangers is constitution, meaning you would need at least 15 STR, 15 CON and 17 WIS to make the switch.
  • Proficiencies
Quarterstaves for anyone dual-classing from a kit, and warhammers/maces/flails for a straight-forward ranger/cleric. Slings, as usual, is your only ranged option so it is essential.

Triple Class Options[edit | edit source]

Obviously you cannot triple class a 'dual' class so this refers to the options presented for multi-classing. Triple-classed characters level up extremely slow compared to any other character, but make up for it in versatility. Fighter/Mage/Thief is great; Fighter/Mage/Cleric is significantly less so.

Fighter/Mage/Thief[edit | edit source]

F/M/Ts are capable of standing toe-to-toe with enemies while needed, disabling deadly traps, and nuking enemies into oblivion. What's not to love?

  • Strengths
  1. Can do literally everything but heal themselves
  • Weaknesses
  1. Splitting experience three ways means he takes a very long time to develop; recommended solution is running with smaller parties
  • Choosing a Multi-Class Race
You can only choose elf or half-elf. An elf is the the better choice, due to:
  • The constitution bonuses split by a third when you tri-class, the extra bonus HP from going to 18 con doesn't apply til you gain the fighter level and even then, it's just one HP.
  • Elves being practically immune to charm & sleep.
  • Elves rolling that sweet 19 Dex.
  • Elves getting a +1 THAC0 for both longbows and longswords.
  • Recommended Stats
19 Dex, 17 CON, 18 INT. Favored stat after that is strength, which you want at least 15. Wisdom and Charisma are not needed.
  • Proficiencies
Good-aligned F/M/Ts should invest in Scimitars to try and get Drizzt's Defender sword because the bonus AC really helps out a lot. Otherwise, longswords through BG1 and katanas through BG2. Comp. Long Bows are your best bet for a ranged weapon, especially for a stronger elf, otherwise go for the short bow.

Fighter/Mage/Cleric[edit | edit source]

Fighter/Mage/Clerics are not as versatile as Fighter/Mage/Thieves despite having divine spellcasting. The biggest reason being there is not really a pressing reason to throw Fighter into the mix of the already viable Cleric/Mage. Clerics have ways of boosting strength and thac0 to fighter levels through spells, so splitting the experience with a third class may not be worth it. Only half-elves can take this triple class.

  • Strengths
  1. Better HP than a raw cleric/mage
  • Weaknesses
  1. No significant advantages over picking just a cleric/mage, all while dealing with splitting XP three ways
  2. 5 important stats leaves little room for dump stats and bad rolls
  • Recommended Stats

Maces And Talons Board Game

Max intelligence is a must, as is 16 CON. Because you require so many different stats to be viable, it may be worth dumping DEX down to 7 and relying on the Gauntlets of Dexterity to bolster that. This allows you not to skimp on STR or WIS. There is no way your charisma will be above 3 on this character.

Maces And Talons Board Game Rules 2019

  • Proficiencies
Warhammers are the most versatile weapon type you'll have access to so pick it up. Slings are a must, obviously.

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