Hunger Games Spiked Maces

Mace and flail name generator. This name generator will give you 10 names that fit flail weapons, which are occasionally called maces in many games and stories. Flails are usually spiked metal balls, attached to a wooden club with a chain. They can inflict huge amounts of damage when swung by a skilled wielder. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Actor: The Master. Film and stage actor and theater director Philip Seymour Hoffman was born in the Rochester, New York, suburb of Fairport on July 23, 1967. He was the son of Marilyn (Loucks), a lawyer and judge, and Gordon Stowell Hoffman, a Xerox employee, and was mostly of German, Irish, English and Dutch ancestry. After becoming involved in high school. Unknown Hunger Games - Katniss mentioned in The Hunger Games that she remembered a Game from when she was younger where tributes had to bludgeon each other with spiked maces as they were the only available weapons. Judging by the first film, it is possible that this was the 73rd Hunger Games.

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SpikeyBot is Shutting down January 1, 2021.

Thank you all for enjoying and supporting SpikeyBot during its few years of life! Due to a combination of reasons, I have decided that I will no longer be providing or maintaining SpikeyBot after the end of this year. For more information, please join the bot's Discord server.

by SpikeyRobot

SpikeyBot is a Bot for Discord that has grown to become a sort of all-in-one bot. Admin commands, raid protection, random stuff, and even a Hunger Games simulator that includes people on the server. The bot is still being worked on, so if you don't see a feature you want, tell SpikeyRobot!
Join the public discord server if you have any questions, feedback, requests, or if you just want to hangout!
SpikeyBot is created by Campbell Crowley (aka SpikeyRobot) in his free time while he is at school. If you have any issues or feedback, feel free to contact him via discord or email.

If you love the bot, or want to get access to special stuff, please consider becoming a patron. You can also donate money through PayPal.

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Dark Souls 3 Spiked Mace

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