I Have To Double Click Everything In Game Lol Mac

Sounds like you have VoiceOver (one of the accessibility features) 'on'. Try triple-clicking the home button and see if that turns it off, and if it does you can then change what a triple-click does via Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple-Click Home.

I Have To Double Click Everything In Game Lol Mac

I Have To Double Click Everything In Game Lol Macros

In fact, don't double-click anything in the taskbar. Rule #3: Do double-click program icons on your desktop (when you want to run those programs, natch) and files/folders you want to open.

If that doesn't turn it off then you can either turn it off directly on the phone (you need to use a tap-to-select and then double-tap to activate/type process and 3 fingered scrolling) to go into Settings > General > Accessibility and turn VoiceOver 'off', or you can do it by connecting to your computer's iTunes : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4064

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May 16, 2013 10:42 PM